Tuesday, 18 February 2014

How has all the research helped me? Blog Post #63

How has all the research you have done helped inform your final opening title sequence?
Blog Post #63

All the research conducted over the past months has helped me a lot in producing my final opening title sequence. This goes all the way back researching into genre, before I did not know the clear conventions of a thriller genre as much as I do now. As well as this I know what makes a good opening title sequence, the five main aspects about it (narrative, genre, setting, atmosphere and character) and what is expected from an opening title sequence.

I believe that attending the BFI (British Film Institution) trip run by Pete Fraser has also helped me informed my opening title sequence, this is because It became clear what the pros and cons were whilst creating an opening title sequence. For example Pete stated that a lot of students forget to add around 24 credits (average number of credits expected in an opening title sequence) which puts their projects at a disadvantage, by knowing this and the researching the ordering of credits it enabled me not to make the same mistake as previous students. Furthermore analysing previous students' work helped a lot because it made me distinguish aspects that I could take on board and aspects that I could avoid.

Researching about sound has also been very helpful in order to inform my final opening title sequence, this is because sound makes fifty percent of a film, before researching I had no clue what Foley was, but after researching into Foley and sound I have realised how the power of Foley and voice-overs can make a project stand out and seem more professional, Foley was used in our final opening title sequence.

Furthermore researching into other aspects such as production indents and independent distributors has made me realise that if my film was to be distributed then it can only be distributed by independent distributers as my opening title sequence is an independent British film. Furthermore indents are also important as it allows the audience to familiarise with the company as they may refer back to it at a later stage.

In conclusion, I personally believe that all this research has helped me produce an overall fantastic piece of work, without researching into these factors my project would have not been half as good. I believe that researching and planning is vital when creating a media product such as an opening title sequence. 

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