Genre Blog Post #2
Genres function according to sets of rules and *conventions, which govern their capacity and range. They respond to these rules and conventions by developing formulas and patterns (*paradigms). Over time. these formulas and patterns may acquire not only typical, but even archetypal force, dominating ways of seeing and of representing the world around us.
* Paradigm - The overall pattern created by a film that helps us categorise it.
* Conventions - The individual elements to help specify a genre in which the film belongs to
e.g. the convention of action; Weapons, explosions, damsel in distress, protagonist, antagonist, big set piece, etc.
Why do we categorise films?
As far as TV and film is concerned, this commercial idea of genre grew with the evolution of the film industry but was particularly developed in Hollywood in the 1920s/1930s when the major studios were being established. Film producers wanted a new way to attract audiences and to establish what kind of films they like in order to make a profit, this lead to marketers to give films a label o that audiences know what to expect, this then lured them into cinemas.
By creating a genre the marketers can also aim a film to the correct audience age as well as the specific target market. Certain genres are considered appropriate to certain age/genders in society, and choices are made accordingly e.g. teen movie, 'chick flicks' have systems of expectations about the content and a style of a text, according to its genre.
Iconography means the visual images and symbols used in a piece of work (ie. Film) to help the audience study or interpret it.
Advantages and disadvantages of genre:
There are various advantages and disadvantages of genre. One of the main advantage of genre (in the perspective of a producer) is that it allows to producer to have a clear insight on what to do, this is because mise-en-scene, editing and sound is all defined by genre. A disadvantage is that it can often restrict the producers interpretations, for example the convention of action is usually associated with weapons and explosions therefore it may be difficult for a producer to go out of their comfort zone and change things up because they may be straying away from that genre.
In terms of audience, an advantage of genre, is that the audience can search the genre of the film and see whether it is a genre they like, for example I personally like horror films over comedy films and if there were two films on the shelf, one being horror and the other being comedy; without a doubt I would pick the horror as it appeals to me as a person the most.
However, this has it's disadvantages, a person may prefer a particular genre which might not let them explore into other genres. For example, as mentioned earlier I wouldn't pick a comedy film if there was a choice between horror, however the comedy film could be more interesting than the horror film therefore I missed out an opportunity to watch a great film. This means that it can stray away other audience just because they are not familiar with that specific genre.
Source of information: mediaknowall
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